
OptionsFeature Description
Print ViewDisplays all of the information entered in the Project
Display Project SummaryDisplays limited information about the Project
Display Project DetailDisplays detailed information about the Project
Display Project Fund SplitsDisplays the Fund Splits for recording time in the Project
Display Project NotesDisplays all, or the last 5, 10, or 15 notes for the Project
Display Project ContactsDisplays all contacts connected to the Project
Display Project EmployeesDisplays all employees connected to the Project (whether primary or associated)
Display Project TimeDisplays all, or the last 5, 10, or 15 Record Time entries recorded for the Project
Display Project SecurityDisplays the DAD security groups with permission to view the Project
Display Project PublicationsDisplays all Publications that have been recorded in the Project
Display Service Request AssociationsDisplays open, closed, or all Associated Service Requests connected to the Project
Display Project AssociationsDisplays all, open, or closed Associated Projects connected to the Project
Display Primary ProjectsDisplays all, open, or closed Primary Projects assigned to the user depending on which option you choose from the drop down menu
Display Associated ProjectsDisplays all, open, or closed Associated Projects assigned to the user depending on which option you choose from the drop down menu
Display Team ProjectsDisplays open, closed, or all Team Projects for teams which the user is assigned to depending on which option you choose from the drop-down menu
Display Agency ProjectsDisplays open, closed, or all Agency Projects depending on which option you choose from the drop-down menu


When displaying Primary, Associated, Team, or Agency Projects, the last choice you make in the available drop down menu (all, open, or closed) is what will appear each time you are on your Desktop until you choose another option.

Sample View:

Views table

Last change: 2023-03-28, commit: d483a26